Thursday, July 29, 2010

Welcome to 1st Grade!


I've started a classroom blog in order to keep you informed on special things happening in our classroom. I will post reminders, announcements, and other special things on a weekly/ biweekly basis. I will also post about important days, special classroom activities, and celebrations. I'm hoping this will come in handy when we have class parties or need volunteers. As you know we are trying to be more "green" so hopefully this will cut down on the amount of paper work that comes home. PLEASE try to log on and read the blogs 1-2 times a week. I will also be posting links to educational websites, these might be useful for your child's homework minutes :) You can also sign up to be a "follower", by doing this you will receive an email whenever something new is posted. I hope you'll enjoy reading about what's happening in your child's 1st grade classroom. I'm looking forward to an exciting year filled with fun, good friends, and of course, a whole lot of LEARNING!!

~Mrs. Mausbach~